THE CHALLENGE: Multiple vestibules and a bent corridor obstructed fabulous light and views.

THE CLIENT: A creative professional who loves to entertain wanted a separate work suite and space for large gatherings.

THE TRANSFORMATION: We reduced dark passageways and created 30% more closets. The apartment is party central, a live-work showroom, and a comfortable place to live. The client enjoys spectacular light and views throughout the entertaining spaces.

Large windows are visible through the doors of a large vestibule. And kitchen island and illuminated cabinets open in a room that opens to views of the rived

BEFORE One of a series of vestibules separating the apartment from its views.

AFTER We created more spaciousness by rethinking uses and finishes.

The Kitchen sits quietly in the background of this grand Dining Room.

An unrestored room with large windows and fireplace surround revealed behind torn-open sheetrock a hammock hangs in the middle of a living room

BEFORE A light-filled room with c1908 finishes in disrepair.

AFTER This room provides more enjoyment with architectural lighting and restored original finishes.

A large room with a large window and one small door Living Room with two tall doors and one triple-wide tall door lead to Foyer and an Azure dining Room punctuated by a wall of books with a TV in it

BEFORE This room has the best views, and it was isolated from the rest of the apartment.

AFTER We made this apartment delightful by connecting this rooms spectacular views to the whole apartment.

photos: Eduard Hueber ©

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